Background vocals: Jill Hall
Violin: Paul Eppstein
Cello: Bob Webb
Electric guitars: Steve Hill, Larry Lucas
Acoustic guitar: Ron Sowell
Bass: John Kessler
Drums: Ammed Solomon
This is just your typical doomsday ditty, the old “prophet crying in the wilderness” bit. It sure was fun to write, sing and record, though...

Thick Of The Fight
Background vocals: Jill Hall, Susan Marshall, Jimmy Payne
Electric guitars: Steve Hill
Acoustic guitars: Ron Sowell, Charlie Blue
Bass: John Kessler
Drums: Ammed Solomon

Nostalgia, both in the music and the lyrics. The rebellious spirit in an age when rebellion is no longer fashionable; the lone soldier on the abandoned battlefield. It sure felt better when there were a lot of us...

Background vocals: Larry and Sheila Lucas
Saxophone: Doug Payne
Slide guitar: Brett Boggs
Electric guitars: Steve Hill, Larry Lucas
Acoustic guitars: Ron Sowell
Bass: John Kessler
Drums: Ammed Solomon
Pure fun. Of course, I have actually been in such situations, and didn’t find them to be laughing matters, at the time...

Background vocals: Jill Hall, Susan Marshall,
Jimmy Payne, Charlie Blue
Electric guitars: Steve Hill
Acoustic guitars: Ron Sowell, Charlie Blue
Bass: John Kessler
Drums: Ammed Solomon
Loneliness, isolation and alienation in the context of the booming metropolis. I kept the lyrics short and sweet, because I wanted a really long guitar solo...

Background vocals: Jill Hall, Susan Marshall, Helt Oncale
Electric guitars: Steve Hill
Acoustic guitars: Ron Sowell, Jim Kimble
Bass: John Kessler
Drums: Ammed Solomon
Nostalgia strikes again. I wrote this one in Europe, when I’d been there for years and missed the songs and spirit of some of the clubs I’d played in, back in the States...

Background vocals: Jill Hall, Jeff Seager
Electric guitars: Steve Hill
Acoustic guitars: Ron Sowell, Bob Webb
Bass: John Kessler
Percussion: Ammed Solomon

Another one for the sheer fun of it. No great moral, here. But there have been a few times in my life when I was really glad I didn’t give a damn...

Background vocals: Jill Hall, Susan Marshall, Ron Sowell,
Helt Oncale, Jimmy Payne, Rich Allen, Jeff Seager
Electric guitars: Steve Hill, Larry Lucas
Acoustic guitars: Ron Sowell
Bass: John Kessler
Drums: Ammed Solomon
A plea against apathy, and hopefully a word of encouragement to those who are not apathetic... I’m one of those die-hards who still believes that, together, we can make a difference...

Background vocals: Jill Hall
Electric guitars: Steve Hill
Bass: John Kessler
Drums: Ammed Solomon
I was mad at the government, and mad at the way some big city cops behave. If the line about cops offends you, allow me to point out that it isn’t directed at all policemen: just the damned ones...

Background vocals: Jill Hall
Harmonica: Ron Sowell
Electric guitars: Steve Hill
Acoustic guitars: Ron Sowell
Bass: John Kessler
Drums: Ammed Solomon
Man’s quest for spirituality. People of differing religions have expressed appreciation for the song. I’m glad.

Background vocals: Jill Hall, Susan Marshall, Helt Oncale
Electric guitars: Steve Hill
Acoustic guitars: Ron Sowell, Charlie Blue, Helt Oncale
Bass: John Kessler
Drums: Ammed Solomon
A word of advice to young dreamers, especially those who seek fame and fortune as artists, writers and musicians...

Background vocals: Jill Hall
Slide guitar: Brett Boggs
Electric guitars: Steve Hill
Acoustic guitars: Ron Sowell
Bass: John Kessler
Drums and percussion: Ammed Solomon
Actually, I wrote this song about marriages from which love had departed. However, each is free to interpret it as he or she pleases, and make of it whatever does the trick...

Recorded between January 1996 and December 1997
by Kessler Mobile Recording
in Hurricane and Charleston, West Virginia.

Additional recording at
Jim Kimball Recording Studio in Nashville, Tennessee,
ARP Studios in Seguin, Texas,
Jay Norwood’s Strange Range Studio in Austin, Texas.

Produced by Ron Sowell and Robert Shelter.
